Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I try not to be political on my blog, but sometimes I just can't resist.  Warning: If you are a democrat or a Nancy Pelosi fan, do not watch this video!!

500 MILLION AMERICANS?!?!?  All I have to say is HAHAHAHA!!!!


kimberly said...

Huh. I thought there were only 300 million or so of us.

But what do I know? I'm just a librarian with impressive internet searching powers.

Laura said...

By the end of the year, 6 billion Americans will be out of work!

Anonymous said...

OMG they're going to have to keep hiring us just so we can be laid off again and again!!! Multiple times during a day, even!


kimberly said...

They will soon be hiring babies, just so they can fire them for not being able to do the job required!

Anonymous said...

We will have to allow completely open legal immigration in order to have enough people in the US to fire, even with the rehiring and refiring.
