Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I Have a Question

So, today I changed the sheets on my bed.  In the last couple of years I have actually started changing them on a regular basis (shock).  Here's my question.  When you guys change your sheets, can you tell the difference when you go to bed that night?  Because I can't.  My clean sheets tonight will feel the same as my dirty sheets last night.  I hear of people who love the feel of clean sheets.  So what am I doing wrong?  Am I the only one who can't tell when my sheets are clean?  Is there something wrong with me???


Sarah said...
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Jennifer said...

First off, I love when I see that your title says, "I have a question." Always a very promising beginning!

I can tell when my sheets are clean because I walk on concrete floors, which are dirty, so I can feel all the little bits of dirt between the sheets by my feet.

Sarah said...

Those are lots of questions not just one.
#1 I notice a difference but it's because the sheet hasn't been slept on so its tight on the bed. After a few days its all bunchy and wrinkly.
#2 I don't think you are doing anything wrong.
#3 No
#4 Yes

Alisha said...

I can tell because our dogs sleep with us so clean sheets = no dog hair. I know some people would find dog hair in their bed disgusting but at least its clean dog hair! We bathe our dogs frequently! I also agree with Sarah-- clean sheets are tight on the bed. Also, in our house, the bed only usually gets made when clean sheets are put on so the sheets are are flat & nice. I probably would notice less if I actually made my bed every day.

Lori Hurst said...

Oooop, sorry this became a novel / mini rant and Gary has only been gone ... 4 days!

Ok, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, but y'all ARE NUTS! I LOVE clean sheets. It (for me) has nothing to do with tightness. It is all about the SMELL.

I have a very sensitive nose and I can smell when perfume gets on my pillow, I can smell my hair conditioner, not to gross anyone out, but I can smell the oil from faces on the sheets and pillowcases, all sorts of funky smells (just call me a hound dog). I can't even sleep in a bed that someone else has slept in once because I can smell them and it is not normal and well, gross -I can SMELL THEM. I know, I am cursed with a very sensitive schnoz.

Clean sheets are so fun to snuggle in because they smell like heaven!

(Oddly enough, even with Charlie jumping up on the bed every now and then, she does not shed, so no dog hair)

And Jen - little bits of dirt? Oh my gosh - I have been known to vacuum my bed in between washings! Works like a charm for that gritty stuff. (A hand vacuum)

kimberly said...

I notice a difference because the only time I actually make the bed is when I change the sheets. So after a few nights of sleeping in an unmade bed, the sheets and the quilt and fluffy blanket-thing have all shifted about. It's annoying, but I'm too lazy to make a bed that I only see when I'm sleeping or dressing. If the bed were in my living room, I'd make it all the time.

Laura said...

Sarah - When you answered "yes" to my question #4 - "Is there something wrong with me?", were you answering "yes" in relation to my sheets question, or just in general?

It sounds like I am just a weirdo, though. I really can't tell. Thanks for confirming my fears!

Megan and Travis said...

I can't tell either... I just washed our sheets the other day and asked Travis if he could tell and he said no... and to be honest I couldn't either!

Sarah said...

I meant in general.

Lori, that is HILARIOUS that you called all of us nuts and then proceed to tell us how you can smell bacteria.

Alisha said...

LOL-- good point Sarah! LOL

Laura said...

Thanks a lot, Sarah! (Although I had always suspected that.)

Anonymous said...

I'm very obsessive compulsive about my bed and I have jersey knit yes. I think if I wasn't or if I had normal sheets I wouldn't notice.


Lori Hurst said...

OK, well, maybe I shouldn't have called y'all nuts...