Thursday, February 19, 2009

Curb Number Update

We bought a can of white spray paint!!  And I made a template to tape over the rest of the numbers so I don't spray them too!  Now I'm just waiting for a nice sunny day so I can go paint out that cursed extra "2".  We are making progress!!

**If you are confused as to what I am talking about, go read my "Curb Numbers" post from February 6th.**


kimberly said...

Baby steps!

(It is too early to be awake. On a normal Thursday, I'd be in bed for at least 2 more hours. Most likely closer to three. *cries*)

Alisha said...

Well you're in luck-- I think today is supposed to be nice & sunny!!! Way to go, you go getter!

Lori Hurst said...

When I show you how to spy on everyone, I will show you how to link back to old posts, hows that?!

Glad you are making progress. We just got the regular numbers without a picture and they managed to do it ok.

Leslie said...

Yippee for you! The end is in sight! I want to be a spy too Lori. Can you teach me?

Court said...

Spray paint purchased already?? Impressive!

We'll know that you were somehow sabotaged, however, when some longhorns go up on your curb. Better put Lori's spycam on the job.

Unknown said...
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Laura said...

Okay, Alisha, no one was supposed to point out that today was a nice sunny day. So I just pretended it wasn't, and didn't do it.

Laura said...

I would probably move if I found a longhorn painted on my curb. The whole house would be tainted!

Lori Hurst said...

Nice 'do'!! Like your new ... what - wallpaper? I will have to break down and get some of that - it always looks better than my home made crap!!

Laura said...

I'm "gettin' my Irish on"! I get all my layouts from free websites. And I love your "homemade crap"! I think your layouts always look great. Plus, you know how to make your header look nice. Mine are just blah.

Rhonda said...

Hey, I went to your Delightful Dots site, since your wallpaper is always just my style, and luv it! Yay for the freebies!

Laura said...

I really like the Delightful Dots layouts.