Thursday, March 5, 2009

NOOOOOOOO! Well, okay.

The "NOOOOOOO!" was my initial reaction upon realizing that Daylight Saving Time begins this Sunday, and I have to move my clocks forward one hour.  I hate losing that hour of sleep!  

On the other hand, I do like that it stays light longer every day.  That makes me happy!  

So, I am initially disgruntled, but after the first day, I'm okay with it.

What about you?  How do you feel about Daylight Saving Time?


Shel said...

Sleep is of vital importance to me, so I agree with you on the initial loss, it's tough.... BUT... I LOOOOOVVVEEEEE the longer days like you cannot believe. I like it when the grass gets green again and you start to see flowers come out!!! This is a good time of year!!! Bring on the long days of SUN!!!!

... a little side note.. I will complain and gripe about the humidity when it kicks in, but will still enjoy the long days.. I am a woman!

Lori Hurst said...

I think we should do away with it - like Arizona. I HATE changing all my clocks every 6 months!

kimberly said...

I love falling back but hate springing forward. Curse you spring! *kicks spring*

(I came home early today because my head hurts. And I slept for 4 hours. And I still have 2 days of work this week! *cries*)

Leslie said...

hate it.

Jennifer said...

I need the sun. I could live in Arizona if it were humid enough. I hate changing the clocks, and I have a friend in AZ who I never know when she is. That bugs.

Benjamin Hunsaker said...

It is awesome b/c we live in AZ and they don't do it! Woo hoo! On the other hand....TX does and I still work remotely from the TX office and when I go to work at 5, it'll be 7 there. Now I'll have to go in at 4. :(

Court said...

I thought I just changed all the clocks! Seriously, six months goes by so fast.

I do love the longer days, however, and my absolute favorite is seeing all the bluebonnets, buttercups, and Indian paintbrushes on the side of the road. Bring on TX in springtime!