Monday, March 23, 2009

I am a Blogger!

I am a blogger!  I find myself judging situations by their blogworthiness (although some may not always agree my situations are blogworthy).  A long trip to the Driver's License Office?  Blog it!  A trip to the vet with 2 Siamese cats?  Blog it!  Or I find myself taking something simple and turning it into something to blog about.  My boys need haircuts?  Blog it!  High school is expensive?  Blog it!  

I am more of a writing blogger though.  Not a talented photo blogger like Lori, who always makes her posts better with pictures.  I don't think that way.......yet.  It will probably come, though.

What about you?  If you blog, do you think to yourself, "this is something I should blog about"?  Or is it just me?


Alisha said...

Oh no, it's not just you. Don't worry!

Liz said...

Ditto to all of it. I almost posted a picture of my new pill dispenser today but decided I would spare ya'll. I love everything you write.

Rhonda said...

Check out my "Beware the Cocoa Powder" entry. I think blogging is so fun! It's like getting a Christmas card year- round.

Lori Hurst said...

Thanks for the 'talented photo blogger' comment there - I just think of myself as the 'crazy person blogger' and just blog because I am nuts and ... it is there!

kimberly said...

I've been blogging longer than all of you put together, and I assure you that I have always done that. I'll see something or do something and think, "Wow I should post about that."

Sometimes at work or something, I'll actually compose blog posts in my head. Most of them never get posted, but it's a nice distraction!

Jennifer said...

This is the reason I'm launching a super-secret t-shirt line, so don't tell anyone! You'll see when it arrives! And, until then, know that I measure the blogability of events, up the importance of something by blogging it, and even laugh at myself out loud as I plan the next blog post. OH! And I realized when I was in the car somewhere that I had typed "blood pressure" instead of "cholesterol," and I damn near had a panic attack until I could get home and fix it!

Jenae said...

Love it! You are a blogger! You guys have created a blogging monster in me, too! All day long I think about what I can blog. Since I think my dogs are so funny I have to restrain myself from posting detailed blogs about what they do...sometimes their funniness doesn't translate so well.

Leslie said...

"BLog ThIs!" Runs through my mind all of the time. If I had the time y'all would hear much more from me. I honestly have some great bloggin material to work with over here....just no time to write it all up!