A list of concerts I've been to. Or at least as many of them as I can remember.
1. Shaun Cassidy. Stop that laughing right now! My friend and I went and saw him when we were in high school. She was madly in love with him. I was only mildly in love with him. But I still squealed like a good fangirl!
2. Seals & Croft. At Texas A&M. I've always liked their music.
3. The Beach Boys. Twice. I saw them at A&M, and I saw them last March. They were the entertainment at a party for supporters of Mitt Romney, which we were invited to. I was so close to Mike Love (pictured), it was great! Although, he's actually a lecherous old man, who flirted shamelessly with all the young girls there. But the songs were still great! (And I got to meet Mitt Romney).
4. Barry Manilow. Back in the early 80's. My sister and I took my mother. We all loved it.
5. Billy Joel. Also back in the early 80's. He was very energetic back then. I don't know if he still runs around the stage like he used to.
6. Josh Groban. I saw him with Kimberly. He truly has a beautiful voice.
7. Michael Buble. I have seen him three times. I love his concerts! They are so much fun. The second time I saw him was with Kimberly, my sister, her girls, and friends of Kimberly's. We were way in the back, but because of the cuteness of my sister's girls, we were moved way up front by one of Michael's people! So at the end of the concert, we got to be part of the group invited to swarm to the front of the stage. It was great!
8. John Denver. Definitely my favorite artist to ever see in concert. I saw him five times (that's right, five). I first saw him in high school. I last saw him a month or two before he died. If you only know his early works, you missed a lot. His later songs were much better, and his voice got much richer and fuller as he got older. I saw him twice with the Houston Symphony, and he was incredible in that venue. I wish he was still around so I could go see him in concert again.
**Edit** 9. I forgot one! Although since including this one may ruin my reputation, maybe I should leave him off! But I won't. Clay Aiken! There, I wrote it! Kimberly and I saw Clay Aiken in concert, and we loved him! It was shortly after his American Idol sojourn, before he got so strange. It was a fun concert and I'm glad we went. However, I don't think I would go see him again (I do have some pride).
I think that's all of them. As you can see, I am a "pop-y" sort of gal. No heavy metal or country for me! But I'm okay with that.
Quite the impressive list! I was so in love with Shaun Cassidy. I had Tiger Beat magazine pictures of him plastered all over my bedroom walls! I would love love love to see Josh Groban and Michael Buble in concert! I would just embarrass myself to tell the concerts I've been to. Some things in the past should probably stay there, right?? I can say that the very first concert I ever went to was a Cory Hart "I Wear My Sunglasses at Night" concert and I was front row! It was awesome!!
what a great idea for a post. interesting list...don't know that you and i have the same taste in music...but kris would have come with you to john denver!
All you're missing is Billy Ray! This was such a fun post! I was actually thinking about all the concerts I've been to on my run this morning. I love, love, love live music!
I'm a loser. I have only been to one concert ... in High School. We were sitting up in the nosebleed section smelling something, well ... 'funny'. I don't remember the name of the concert, most of the concert, the ride home or part of the next day!
Are you sure you were just "smelling" something funny??
I wouldn't go see Clay now, either. He's just gotten ridiculous.
My concert list:
1) Josh Groban - 3 times
2) Michael Buble - 3 times
3) The Who - almost twice, sigh
4) Matchbox 20 (with Alanis Morrisette opening - stupid)
5) American Idol Live - the year that stupid country girl won
6) Clay Aiken
7) Sheryl Crow
8) this chick who was at the State Fair, who I liked, but whose name I've forgotten
I've seen more musicals. I think they're more worth the money, honestly.
The chick from #8 was Leigh Nash. I spotted her name when scrolling through my iTunes playlists.
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