Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Video Experiment

I wanted to see if I could post a video.  Well, I can't.  At least not without Kimberly's guidance. With her help I was able to post this YouTube video.  

For those of you who have seen clips from the old Carol Burnett show (which I used to watch - that's just how old I am), this is a classic Tim Conway/Harvey Korman sketch.

Kimberly thinks this video is creepy, but I love it!  Tim Conway was a genius.  And watching Harvey Korman try to keep a straight face is hilarious.


Carol Beck said...

i agree they were hilarious! the carol burnett show used to be one of my favorites! i loved all the characters!

Laura said...

Carol!! Welcome to my blog! I see you have a blog also. I will add you to my "list o' blogs to read daily"!

kimberly said...

This disturbs me on so many levels. I can't even watch it. *hides eyes*

Shel said...

I love Tim Conway! That clip is hilarious.. I remember having seen it before, he has always been a favorite of mine, though. The Carol Burnett Show was great. True comedy is hard to come by these days. You know I was flipping channels the other day and I Love Lucy was on and I announced that it was on and do you know who came running from the other room? Little James! He LOVES that show and will usually drop everything to come watch it.


Laura said...

I never could get into I Love Lucy. But I do own the whole Dick Van Dyke Show, and we all love to watch that. We just don't have comedy like that anymore.

kimberly said...

Dick Van Dyke! Man, I want to watch an episode right now. The staying awake one! (Or whatever it was actually called.)

Jennifer said...

Truly funny. We watched the Carol Burnett show on nick at nite at my grandparents' house. I loved the cartoon of her mopping up the stage as the credits were running.

Sarah said...

I always loved I Love Lucy. Growing up, I had such a crush on Ricky Ricardo.

That probably explains a lot.