1. Beware of gelatinous raccoon carcasses found in your chimney (with a noxious monkey smell).
2. If you hear rodents in your walls, people may not believe you.
3. Is it better to release captured mice or kill them.
4. Dead birds in your dryer hose will also cause a noxious monkey smell. And sucking them up with your ShopVac will not be pleasant.
5. There are too many snakes (of all types) in Waterside.
6. Above mentioned snakes are often hard to kill.
7. If you do need a snake killed, call Courtney.
8. Killing a spider may yield surprises in the form of hundreds of spider babies.
9. Don't kill a spider in your car. You may be finding spider babies for weeks.
10. Don't mess with a brown recluse spider bite. And you won't win the Mom of the Year award if you send your kid to school after he's spent the night in the ER and his leg is still swollen to twice it's normal size.
11. If a bird is flying around inside your house and becomes stressed, well, you are going to have a big mess to clean up. And it won't be pretty.
These are not in order, but that's the high points. Don't you wish you had been there?
You forgot bats ... don't forget the bats. Oh, and squirrels running around in walls sound like ghosts.
Man! Wish I could have been there. Thomas had a dinner program for work and I didn't feel like I should leave the kiddos. There is nothing I like more than discussing rodents! I will say that if I had been there I would have brought up a few choice flying tree roach stories! I am PHOBIC about roaches.
I couldn't sleep last night. All night long I was having thoughts like - Is that monkey I smell? Are the spiders in the corners of my garage full of babies? Maybe that snake that was in my backyard left millions of babies behind? Is that a bat I hear in the attic? or a mouse? a squirrel? a bird? It's not like I'm not already having enough trouble sleeping lately!
Darnit-- wish I could have been there :)
You guys are disturbed. No, seriously.
Excellent job summing it all up, Laura! BTW, I slept great last night--must be my mad snake hunter skillz.
oh my, that is hilarious!
In light of my not-completely-fixed anxiety, it's probably good I wasn't there. I can't even bear the thought of critters of any kind! But it was obviously good company I missed out on! I'm goin' next month for shizzle!
i always forget to get a calendar, so i never know when stuff is unless i happen to hear about it...alas, i missed a great conversation. my contribution would have been about the mice that built a nest in our car while we were camping last summer.
Jamie, you are going to have to share that story sometime!
What is up, skillet? No updates since Thursday? This needs to be remedied.
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