We have a doggie door which leads out to our backyard. With a dog and 2 cats, it's very nice. It allows them all to go in and out as they please. The downside? Sometimes the cats don't come back emptyhanded (or emptymouthed, I should say). Brynner, our male, isn't as bad. He rarely brings things in, although when he does, it is usually a bird - not always dead. That's fun. Ming, our little female, is the worst. We have rescued probably hundreds of lizards, grasshoppers, roaches (gross), dragonflies, and even garter snakes. Okay, only three garter snakes - but that is three too many. So last night when I saw her in my bedroom, staring at a pair of Robert's shoes, I figured it was probably just another lizard - her usual capture. Imagine my surprise when I moved the shoe and discovered a two inch long (with tail) baby mouse! That was a first - and I hope the last! I remained quite calm - mainly because the mouse remained quite calm! I think he was playing dead. I covered him with the shoe, got my handy critter rescuing cup and piece of cardboard (like the Boy Scouts, we are always prepared), and called the boys to help. Scott lifted the shoe and I captured the mouse. He perked up in the cup (perhaps he knew he was safe), and I have to say, he was a cute little guy. Not suitable for living in my house, but cute nonetheless! We set him free, and are hoping that Ming won't find him again!
The joys of cat ownership!
Mice can be frightening. You were SO brave. You are right, baby mice look so cute. I am personally phobic about roaches! I know that they can't hurt me but when I see them (dead or alive) I flip out!!
If I was that mouse and the cat was sitting there glaring at me I think I'd play dead, too, hee hee... but boy... how you stayed calm is awesome!!! I know they can look cute, but I still think I might have lost it. Mega kuddos to you!!!
So that's disgusting. Silly Ming! Why does she think the house is a good place to play with her food?
I think she's bringing us little presents. She's such a sweet girl.
Better you than me!
Well, as I've mentioned before, I hate nature. And the most experience I've had with baby mice is as food for my brothers-in-law's various mice eating reptiles. So, gross. Grosser than petrified poop.
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