Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Distressed and Depressed

Only Kimberly responded to my first political post, but I don't care, I am posting another one.  As my title says, I am distressed and depressed about the results of our presidential election.  John McCain was not my first choice, but he was a better choice than Barack Obama.  I am truly worried about the direction our country will be taking now. I am appalled to think that Obama will get to pick anywhere from 2 to 4 Supreme Court Justices.  I see the moral values that I hold dear slowly being branded illegal, intolerant, and unconstitutional.  We have already seen how those who fight against gay marriage are being called bigoted and narrow-minded.  We are truly reaching the point where what is good is called evil and what is evil is called good.  

If I have offended anyone who reads my blog, I'm sorry.  I had to write my true feelings about tonight.


jamie said...

you heard what i said on sunday--i'm with you.

Jennifer said...

true dat, dawg

kimberly said...

You know Biden's just waiting for the right moment to strike and take over.

BAH HUMBUG. And much cursing.

Shel said...

Oh, I'm with you, too! I'm concerned, very concerned....

And, about the other post... Emily is concerned about being at school tomorrow, too... I'll have to talk to the kids.. Aaron said there were problems at Crockett today, also!!! Really, what good is coming from this!!! Not a thing... my sadness has turned to anger!!! My kids are in danger of stupid idiots acting out at school, this is ridiculous! Ugh!!! Now I can't sleep! I'm with Kimberly...much cursing...@#&^@#$