Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Hello, my name is Laura, and I'm a Kindle addict...

I got my Kindle in October. I had not bought one before because I love actual books made of paper. But, lets face it, I live in Italy. There are not a lot of books in English to be found! So I bought a Kindle.

I love it for this reason - I can buy and instantly download a book any where or any time I want.

It's dangerous for this reason - I can buy and instantly download a book any where or any time I want.

In a bookstore, holding a pile of books makes me realize just how much money I'm spending. I don't have that same deterrent when I'm shopping on my Kindle. Those e-mails I get telling me I've bought another book come after the fact. They're not a deterrent.

It's amazing how quickly the costs can add up even when I'm only buying six or seven dollar books! Not enough to break the bank, but enough for me to think, "Wow, I read a lot!"

I'm not sorry I bought my Kindle, but when I go back to Richmond in August, I'm going to have to try to use it less. I'll have to start reading some actual books again. See if I can get this addiction under control!


Jenae said...

I got my Kindle for Christmas in 2009. Right after I gave birth to K I started reading a LAME teenage vampire series consisting of 8 books. $79.92 and one week later I realized just how dangerous the Kindle can be!!!

Rhonda said...

I would love to see a "Laura's Top 10" list!

Jennifer said...

Andy keeps wanting me to get one. I don't think he realizes how much poorer we'll be!