But now it's gotten worse. Much worse. Our connection has slowed down so much, it's ridiculous.
It can now take 3 or 4 minutes to load FaceBook.
Last time I tried to download an episode of Criminal Minds off iTunes it said it would take 41 HOURS. That's almost an hour for each minute of the show.
I tried to do a new blog entry, but it wouldn't upload the one picture I wanted to post.
I can't look at pictures or videos on FaceBook, and pictures take forever to load on blogs (if they ever do load).
I can't use our Magic Jack to phone home because the connection is so bad it's impossible to understand the person on the other end.
We had thought that once Robert completed the first step in his paperwork (getting his visa in Houston) we'd be able to get good internet. But, oh no, he's got a few other steps to complete first. Steps that could take a couple of months.
There's another option that works great for some people but works terribly for others. We are probably going to go with that and hope we're one of the lucky ones.
We've got to do something, because I can't take much more of this.
that sucks big time! magic jack is a piece of crap connection no matter where you are calling from, btw.
I hope you can get it worked out - you need your blog and facebook time!!!
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