Friday, April 1, 2011

I Hate This!!

I hate the fact that Brian is in the hospital in College Station and I'm thousands of miles away in Italy!

He's got a staph infection in his elbow. It started as a little pimple on Saturday and continued to grow and turn into an ugly abscess. He went to the Health Center on Wednesday and they gave him antibiotics. On Thursday his arm was more swollen and painful so he went to the ER. They tried to drain the abscess, but weren't very successful. Then they gave him a round of IV antibiotics and sent him home. When he woke up today his arm was more swollen and red, so he went back to the ER. That's when they decided to admit him.

I talked to the ER doctor and he told me that what Brian has - Community Acquired MRSA - is very common in college towns. He said they see two or three cases of it every shift. They have put him on a very strong antibiotic - one you can only get in hospitals. Hopefully, he'll start to get better. But they may have to do some minor surgery so they can get the abscess to drain. That may be what it takes to start the healing. I hope they decide what they are going to do soon.

I absolutely hate that I am in Italy right now. If I were home, I would have headed up to College Station today and parked myself there until he was better. You have no idea how badly I just want to hop on a plane and go home to see him.

Even though he's almost 23, I still want to be there for him at times like this.


Lori Hurst said...

I'm so sorry.

Why don't you hop on a plane and go? It would make you feel better and you have left Scott alone before, haven't you?

That being said - I am sure he will be perfectly fine - and I saw a twitter of Kimberly's that said she was thinking of going even though he told her not to. She will take good care of him and be there if he needs it.

Not fun.

I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

Let me know if there is anything I (a psychotic, depressed, idiot) can do ... better yet - what Gary can do ...

Kristie said...

Do you want me to grab Shelley and drive to College Station and be with him for you??

Laura said...

Thanks for the offer, Kristie. He doesn't even want Kimberly to drive up and see him.

Liz said...

oh laura, that sucks! i have felt that desperate feeling of being trapped miles away from my sick child who needs me. and who cares if he's 23? sick kids ALWAYS want their moms. and moms always want their sick kids. i'll be praying for him, and you and if you need someone to go to college station and get in some doctor's faces look no further.

Alison said...

I am so sorry to hear that Brian is not feeling so well. I live up here in College Station and if you want me to swing by and check on him or take him some cookies, just let me know ;)

Jennifer said...

SUCKY. I wish I could help you out by teleporting you here :( Obviously, I've been readins sci/fi-fantasy lately. Keep us posted on us nasty elbowness. I love you!