Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Scott's Adventure on the Train

We took the train to and from Venice last weekend. I enjoy the train. Scott hated the train before this trip, and after what happened to him, he now detests the train!

The seats on the train are set up so there are four seats on each side of the aisle. Two seats will face the other two seats, with a little table in between. When you buy tickets, Trenitalia assigns your seats, so you hope you're sitting near the people you're riding with.

On the way up, we had the nice seating. Robert and I were on one side of the table and Scott was on the other. The other seat was taken by some random Italian man who was with two women across the aisle. That trip was fine.

On the trip back, Robert and I were on one side of the aisle and Scott was across the aisle from us. The other three seats in his foursome were taken by 3 middle aged Italian women traveling together. Scott said he moved over in his seat as far as he could, to give the lady next to him her space. Then he fell asleep (as only a teenager can do).

When he awoke, he discovered that the woman across from him had put her foot on the seat between him and the lady next to him! And not her shoed foot - her bare foot! Scott was disgusted, to say the least! He said if he had been awake when she did it, he would have said something, but it was too late by the time he woke up.

I can not believe that someone would be so rude. Or maybe I can...

We still have to ride the train to Rome and back sometime. We may have to drag Scott onto the train!


Jennifer said...

I had a similar experience on a plane. The dude behind me crammed his bare foot between my seat and the one next to me, on my arm rest. And it STUNK! I get it, Scott.

Leslie said...

Besides the smelly feet...traveling the countryside on the train sounds divine!

Kristie said...

I'm with Leslie - I want to ride the train in Italy!! Smelly feet or no smelly feet!!

kimberly said...

So I rode a lot of trains in England and Ireland during my vacation and never once had this experience. Perhaps the British and Irish are more well-mannered?

I also have to admit that during that two week vacation, I fell asleep on anything that moved. Trains, planes, buses, the tube... It's a good thing I wasn't alone or I would have missed all my stops!