Friday, January 1, 2010

Seriously Cute Kitty!

This is such an adorable video of a kitten. If you have already seen it, watch it again! It's only 17 seconds, and it will make you smile!

See? I didn't steer you wrong, did I?


Lori Hurst said...

I saw this on cute overload - it is ADORABLE!

Alisha said...


kimberly said...

I <3 that adorable kitty!

Now imagine doing that to Brynner. It's a painful thought, isn't it?

Shel said...

I loveeeee kittens always have, always will!!! It makes me want one, but now that we have the leather sofa I doubt that will happen. Ya' know, I bet that is why James let me get a nice leather sofa.. so I couldn't ask for a kitty!

Unknown said...

Cute. And I am no cat-lover.