Friday, January 29, 2010

I Saw Woody Woodpecker!

Well, it wasn't Woody, but today while a few of us were out at Carol's house, I glanced out her back window and saw what looked like one of those ugly black and white and red ducks - climbing a tree. I realized that was improbable, so I looked again, and saw what I believe was one of these:

A Pileated Woodpecker. Those of you who were there, does this look like what we saw?

Whatever kind of woodpecker he was (and he was a BIG woodpecker), I found him fascinating. I have never seen a woodpecker in the wild (just as I have never seen an owl in the wild), and I really enjoyed watching him in the backyard, attacking a poor defenseless tree. He was really attacking that thing, which leads me to believe they must have very strong bills! (I had to look on a woodpecker website to determine if they have bills or beaks. Apparently, they have bills.)

I have to say, I really enjoyed today's brush with nature! As I told the others (much to their amusement), it made me want to start keeping a Bird Life List!


Sarah said...

That totally looks like what we saw!

Kristie said...

That's exactly what he looked like. Sarah, were with us hidden in Carol's backyard? It was so interesting to watch him attack that tree with such force.

Shel said...

Bingo!! That is the one. It was pretty cool to watch him, but man that poor tree was taking a licking.

Unknown said...

Boy, did I miss out! I still remember seeing my first armadillo in real life. I probably had the same look on my face that my kids get at the zoo. It's completely different when it's unexpected, huh?

Jennifer said...

I saw one of those climbing up the tree in my backyard. I chalked it up to having my house built in a pet semetary, but if you've seen it, too, then I'll chalk it up to general nature creepiness.