Sunday, July 12, 2009

Because Kristie Said So....

Last night our ward had a talent show.  I decided yesterday afternoon that I should do something.  So I wrote a poem and read it.  Kristie said I should post it, so here it is:

The Drive

When we first moved into this ward,

Church seemed so far away.

Fifteen minutes or even twenty - 

Depending on time of day.

But seven months ago things changed,

And we were filled with glee.

This building finally opened,

And short driving times we did foresee.

Because, you see, we’re fortunate

And live across the street.

Three minutes driving time by car,

Ten minutes by walking feet.

7/10 mile is now our drive,

And how we love it so.

We can hardly remember last year,

When we had so far to go.

Forgot my scriptures?  That’s okay.

I’ll race home in a hurry.

There’s no bread for Sacrament?

Back in six - so don’t you worry!

How many cars should we bring to Church?

One or two or three?

The distance is so trifling,

Some Sundays three is what you’ll see.

I think I understand now,

Why people love Salt Lake.

Finally living so close to Church,

Is like icing on the cake!

We’ve always been so very glad

We moved to Waterside Estates.

But now that we’ve so close to Church,

Things are really great!

There you go. My wondrous masterpiece!

The talent show was great! We have some real talent in our ward. Sorry to all of you who missed it.


Shel said...

It's a great poem! The talent show was fun.. there really is some amazing talent in our ward. I laughed so hard during the Gillespie's stinkin' hilarious skit! It's too bad we don't have a YouTube video of it or of Sis. Doughty's tribute to Michael Jackson.. that was some awesome dancing! I could go on and on about the talent... it was great.

Jennifer said...

I didn't even know about the talent show!

My favorite line - "Back in six." Awesome.

Alison said...

Haha I wish I could have been there. Great poem!

Lori Hurst said...

Nice poem.

I should have gone over to the talent show - it just seems ... stange going as a 'single gal' so I stay away from social events.

Necia said...

That was cute. It's nice to hear the new building is open. We kept driving by the lot before we left, but never got to see much of the progress. It is nice to be so close to church.

Benjamin Hunsaker said...

wow, thanks for posting! that is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Dad would be proud! That is of course, where you get your poetic skills!