Thursday, July 16, 2009

NCIS Withdrawal

I decided that I would watch NCIS this summer.  All 6 seasons.  I watched season 1 using Netflix.  That took way too long.  I had to wait while disks were being mailed back and forth.  It was a pain!  I sent out a plea to see if anyone owned any of the other seasons, and Jon responded!  For the price of a plate of cookies I was able to borrow season 2 from him.  It was much better!  And totally spoiled me.  So much so that I ended up buying seasons 3 and 4.  (They recently dropped the price, and I had a Best Buy coupon. That's my justification.)  And Kimberly owns season 5, so I borrowed that from her.  So nice to just be able to keep putting in a disk as soon as I was finished with one!  Season 6 I watched on Netflix Instant on my computer.  If you had come to my house in the past few days you would have probably wondered why my armchair was turned around facing my computer.  What can I say?  I wanted to watch in comfort!  

But now, I'm done.  What I thought would take me all summer using Netflix, only took me half the summer.  I am ready for season 7, which probably won't start until late September!  I'm having NCIS withdrawal!  I miss Gibbs and Tony and McGee and Ziva and Abby and Ducky and Palmer! I miss them all!  September is too far away!


**Disclaimer**  NCIS has in no way replaced my favorite show, Criminal Minds.  It's just fresher in my mind.  I still miss Hotch and Morgan and Reid and Garcia and JJ.

Another sigh.


kimberly said...

TONY! I miss him so much!

Now you know what I meant when I said the last two eps were hard for my darling!

Jennifer said...

I AM SO GLAD YOU FEEL THE LOVE!!! It doesn't have to be your favorite as long as you love it. I feel closer to you already.