Sunday, March 28, 2010

One Month to Go!

Jeffrey leaves on his mission one month from today! Or 31 days, as he likes to say.

We have been busy spending, spending, spending. It is expensive to send a kid on a mission. In addition to socks, pants, shirts, etc. (all bought in quantities of 6 or 12 it seems), we have to buy sheets, towels, luggage, toiletries, a shoeshine kit, a first aid kit, plus lots of other stuff too. Every time I go to Target or Kohls, the cash register in my head goes "cha-ching"!

But it's worth it. Every penny. I'm so happy Jeffrey has chosen to serve a mission. I know he's going to make a great missionary, and come home with an even stronger testimony than he already has.

31 days, and counting down!

1 comment:

Kristie said...

Wow - its getting close now!! I don't know how you handle it - I cry everytime I read that book, "Mommy, Do I have to Serve a Mission"! I want them to go, but I'm so not looking forward to it!