Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs

I was sad to hear of the passing of Steve Jobs yesterday. What an incredible innovator he was. My life has been impacted by his genius.

I have an iMac and a MacBook Pro, and I'm constantly amazed at how easy they are to use.

I've had an iPod Shuffle and I currently have an iPod Touch. The majority of my music is stored on my iPod. With a simple touch I can choose between a wide variety of music.

I've only had my iPhone for a month, but I already love it and can't imagine having any other phone.

iTunes was a lifesaver in Italy. It was the only way I could download Criminal Minds every week (and you know how I love Criminal Minds).

I'm sad that he won't be around to create more Apple products.

But I'm sadder for his family. He leaves behind a wife and children who will miss him very much.

Steve Jobs was only 56. Only 5 years older than me. Way too young.

R.I.P., Steve Jobs. You will be missed.

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