Friday, June 10, 2011

A Little Nervous

I just made an appointment for my first Italian haircut and color. That makes me a little nervous. But, I've now got about an inch of gray showing at the roots, so I can't wait any longer. I only waited this long because I knew if I did I wouldn't have to get it done until I went back to Texas in August. Some of my friends here use this place, and their hair looks good, so I'm hopeful. It's always hard to go somewhere new, though. I've been going to Kathy, my hair person back home, for 10 years! She knows my hair! Plus there's the fact that the colorist doesn't speak English and we'll have to rely on translation from the woman who will be cutting my hair. Which is another thing - I've never had one person color my hair and another one cut it. Back home, Kathy does it all. This seems weird to me.

I guess this is all part of my Italian adventure! I just hope it doesn't make me cry every time I look in the mirror!


Rhonda said...

So how did it turn out? I think a picture is in order.:)

Laura said...

Rhonda, my appointment is this Thursday. As for an after picture - it depends on the after!

jamie said...

where's the picture?