Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Wisdom Teeth

On Friday Scott had his wisdom teeth removed. What a fun last day of Spring Break for him! He needed them out, though. His two bottom teeth were horizontal in his mouth! I'm pretty sure that's not a good thing!

His surgery was quick. We got there at 7:00, he was called to the back at 7:15, and we were on our way home by 8:15. And Scott was pretty awake and aware by the time we left. Not bad.

Once the bleeding stopped and Scott could take the gauze out (a few hours after we got home), he did really well. I made him take Motrin twice, but I don't think he even needed it the second time.

I took this picture on Sunday evening to document the swelling. I waited a little bit too long - the swelling had already started to go down.
I'm glad his wisdom teeth experience has been pretty uneventful. And it's nice to have gone through that for the last time.


Alisha said...

Be ware of dry socket! Follow the rules & happy healing!!

Rhonda said...

Wow--nice to have an in & out experience! We have yet to have any kiddos need theirs pulled. Fun times!