Monday, December 12, 2011

I Know the Feeling

Friday evening, Kimberly and I went out for dinner. There was a family of five seated near us. Mom and Dad, plus 3 kids. Two boys, ages about 14 and 10, and a little girl, age about 6.

After Kimberly and I finished our meal, she slipped off to the restroom. So I was watching the family, who had just received their food. I'm nosy like that. The 10-year-old somehow stuck his sleeve in some sort of sauce, so he and the Mom were working at wiping it off. The older brother must have been making comments, because suddenly the Mom leaned toward him and said the following (with accompanying hand gestures):

"Just please stop commenting! Please! Just stop it! You are so exhausting!"

Then she resumed eating, while I tried to keep from laughing out loud!

You are so exhausting!

I'm going to remember that one!


Shel said...

That cracks me up... mostly cuz I can totally relate ;)

Jenae said...

I say that to Kason all the time and he is STILL exhausting! Sheesh! :)